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MBS & SBA Databases

NIS offers a complete database of the all MBS (GNMA, GNMA II, FNMA, and FHLMC) and SBA securities. In addition to the standard information of pool number, cusip number, coupon, and maturity NIS also offers wac, wam, warm, wala, wamtam, servicer, monthly paydown factors, CPR and PSA prepayment speeds, adjustable rate component information, and loan level geographic, credit score, loan-to-value, and deliquency information.

NIS can deliver this data to you in a variety of methods and formats.

Our MBS & SBA information can be used in conjunction with nis analytics,, the nis calculation libraries, nis Web Services, or your own financial information system.

Contact NIS for pricing options and a complete list of data elements available in the MBS & SBA databases.

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